Monday, January 4, 2010

12 dongs = 12 grapes

This is a Spanish tradition... Everybody gets 12 grapes and when the clock strikes 12 it "dongs" 12 times and in order to have a good year you have to eat a grape each time it dongs, without falling behind. I have to admit that I´m not a big fan of this tradition since the grapes here have seeds in them! But what I find HILARIOUS is that there are some people (like my mother and sister in laws) that have to actually PEEL the grapes before eating them!! I had NEVER heard of peeling grapes before I came here!


Sassy Salsa girl said...

lol! That is pretty cool I love hearing about traditions like that:D

Sionpiensa said...

i actually miss it, but in Canada we changed the 12 grapes for 12 kisses...
i recommend it