Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Guest room...

When we moved in this is what the spare room looked like. And just so you know...the mattress is on top of a bunch of boxes!!
After about 8 months of ugly spare room, I decided it needed to be, at the very least, usable. So I pealed off the border, painted over the ugly redish and yellowish with paint we had here and went to Ikea for some basics. It was good enough to get by for a while, but I knew it wouldn´t last!
Finally, this past month I have been painting different rooms in the house and got obsessed with "home improvements" .... and my mom told me that if they came over to visit they would have to be able to walk on both sides of the bed (as you can see above the bed is up against the wall)... so I decided to change the room completely.
The only thing that really frustrates me is that because the room looks small and simple now, it looks like it was easy to do..... and it wasn´t!
Who knows if I´ll get sick of this "decor" too ( or if a kid will ever come?!), but at least I think that with each make-over the room has gotten better!!

So, now that my guest room is pretty and usable and there´s even space in the closet, all I need now is............... a guest or two!!!!


Marcy said...

Looks fantastic!! I'll be right over.

Shawna S said...

It looks great. A lot of work goes into making it look like you didn't just throw it together. Good job!

Danielle and Fam said...

me me me!! I wanna be the guest.
Maybe tomorrow???

Cort, Kimi, Metz and Chase said...

It looks beautiful and classic . . .be proud and I love it!!! Kimi