Friday, November 28, 2008


I was feeling left out with all the Twilight blogs from the other side of the world, so I decided to write one too. The other day two girls from my ward came over so I could highlight one of the girls hair and they started talking about "Crepúsculo" a book that they´re reading. I asked them what it was about and they said "it´s called Twili or something like that in English." Iknew exactly what they were talking about! Then, today in the train I saw two diferent girls reading the book and thought....."Ha llegado!" which translated is, "It´s arrived!"

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that "Twilight Fever" has crossed the "pond".


Carrie said...

Oh how exciting! Welcome to the world of Twilight! Let the obsession begin!!!

Ginn Family said...

Just give in and read it. It really is fun!

Bobby Ginn said...

Gina has all of the books so you can read them when you get here. How fun for you. See you soon!

Christy said...

Start reading, it won't take long. :) It's too much to not read, I'm glad they've swam over there to you! Enjoy! Let me know where you are here - I want to see you!

Danielle and Fam said...

YOU HAVEN'T READ THEM? I can just hear you talking about how dumb everyone else is for reading them and how cool Californian(Spainards) don't read juvenile books like that...but you will like them! I still think they are dumb and corny, but they were really entertaining. What's wrong with dumb entertainment sometimes?!
I want to see you so email me back will ya!