I know this is a silly entry, but it´s been an important part of our lives the past few weeks...
Now it´s not the cleanest show but about three weeks ago David got HOOKED (and I mean, needing some AA meetings, hooked!) on Prison Break. One of the guys David works with told him all about it and that it was so good and he had to see it so he downloaded the first season for David to watch. So three Friday´s ago David came home from work and told me we were going to watch this show his friend gave him. What David didn´t tell me is that he was going to get SO HOOKED that we were going to watch ALL 24 episodes in 2 days!!!!! Then he bugged the guy so much that the next week he downloaded the second season....yup another 2 days of Prison Break (do you see a pattern here??) Well this weekend his friend only gave us the first 9 episodes of the 3rd season and David was so impatient that he found a place on the internet that had the rest of the 3rd season and the fourth and downloaded them himself (we´ve never been big into downloading). And he was so excited that he didn´t care that they were only in english with no subtitles. So, this weekend not only did we watch A LOT of Prison Break I had to put it on pause every now and then to explain things to David. Anyway, by the end of this week we should be done with the fourth season and just maybe I´ll get him to take me OUT again?!?! Here´s hoping!!
That's hilarious...um and it sounds like something you and I would do if we found a show we liked enough! I'm currently hooked on 24 which is similar to Prison Break and I can't wait to see what happens tonight! ha ha ha!
That's so funny Cindi! Sounds like me and LOST. Last year, Aaron started traveling a lot more for work and since I was home with three kiddos and couldn't get out of the house at night, my neighbor loaned me the Lost episodes on DVD. I swear, I could NOT tear myself away! I'd stay up until 3am cramming them in! And truth be told, I would almost anticipate the next business trip that Aaron took so I could stay up all night to catch up on other season--shh don't tell Aaron ;)
I think it's great. Everyone needs an escape once in a while :)
We LOVE prison break! Such a good show!
no need to download...just go to hulu.com it and many other shows are available on streaming video there :)
Miss ya sis!
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